Prayer Letter – August / September 2013

August / September 2013

Dear Friends and Family in Christ,

    Thank you so much for your faithful prayers for us and for your support for the ministry in Mexico.  We know that your prayers and support are a vital part of  our ministry.  The Lord has been faithful to supply our needs and shower us with many blessings, which we certainly don’t deserve.  We have been blessed to see several souls make professions of faith and the altars full in recent services.

Update on Fractured Hip:  Until just a few weeks ago it seemed like I was making good progress towards a full recovery.  My doctor had given me permission to start training again and I had worked up to 12.5 miles on my bike and 6 miles walking/jogging.  Since I’ve never had a broken hip before I wasn’t sure what I should feel. My doctor recommended that I go for a MRI since I still had a considerable amount of pain.  The results showed that the fracture was not healing and I was referred to an orthopedic surgeon.  This Dr. thinks I could possibly have avascular necrosis where the bone is dying.  I have been told for the next 90 days to not exercise (except for swimming), avoid stairs and to use a cane when I walk, to see if the fracture will start to heal.  If not, I am looking at a hip replacement eventually.  I know that the Lord is in control of everything and I trust in His will.  Pray that my body will heal, and that the Lord will give me the wisdom to follow the doctor’s orders and recover.

Ministry Updates:

Iglesia Bautista “Castillo Mio” – Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua – We have been able to participate with this church and pastor Hugo Luna several times over the past few months.  They continue struggling a little bit since our departure, but I believe they will soon be back up to speed.  They have been averaging around 50 on Sunday services and recently had 50 children attend the special Saturday program.  Pray that the people will be faithful to the Lord and reach new souls for Him.  They are planning a VBS for early August.

In early May, Gerardo Angel became the 7th student to graduate from the Bible institute from this church.  He is still young in age, but has a good grasp on spiritual things.  Please pray for the Lord to guide him to his future ministry.

Iglesia Bautista “Esperanza Mia” – Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua – We recently attended the first anniversary of this new church, what an exciting time it was!  There were well over 100 in attendance and several baptisms on this day of victory!  Missionary Marshal Dies and Pastor Alberto DeAnda along with their families have done a great job establishing this church.  I consider this church our first “Grandchild” in the ministry since it was a mission off a church we helped establish.  What a blessing grandchildren are! Praise the Lord!

Iglesia Bautista “La Gracia” – Bermejillo, Durango – I have been invited to preach the 8th anniversary service for this church on July 21st and Lord willing we’ll be able to be there to help celebrate this exciting day.  Pastor Lorenzo Ballenas has done a good job leading the church in evangelism and discipleship since taking over from Brother Angel.  Please pray that the Lord will supply their needs as they continue reaching their “Jerusalem”

Brother Angel Luna – Bermejillo, Durango – Please continue to pray for Bro. Angel’s health, he still cannot stand or walk, but has seen some progress in his recovery.  He is heading up the mission in a ranch where he lives and preaches and helps lead the services from his wheelchair.  Pray that he would soon be able to stand and walk on his own.

Looking for that Blessed Hope and Glorious Appearing!  

Prayer Letter May – June – July 2013

 May /June / July 2013

Dear Friends and Family in Christ,

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers for us and for your support for the ministry in Mexico.  We know that your prayers and support are a vital part of  our ministry.  The Lord has been faithful to supply our needs and shower us with many blessings, which we certainly don’t deserve.  We have been blessed to see several souls make professions of faith and the altars full in recent services.

 Update on Fractured Hip:  Until just a few weeks ago it seemed like I was making good progress towards a full recovery.  My doctor had given me permission to start training again and I had worked up to 12.5 miles on my bike and 6 miles walking /jogging.  Since I’ve never had a broken hip before I wasn’t sure what I should feel. My doctor recommended that I go for a MRI since I still had a considerable amount of pain.  The results showed that the fracture was not healing and I was referred to an orthopedic surgeon.  This Dr. thinks I could possibly have avascular necrosis where the bone is dying.  I have been told for the next 90 days to not exercise (except for swimming), avoid stairs and to use a cane when I walk, to see if the fracture will start to heal.  If not, I am looking at a hip replacement eventually.  I know that the Lord is in control of everything and I trust in His will.  Pray that my body will heal, and that the Lord will give me the wisdom to follow the doctor’s orders and recover.

Ministry Updates:

Iglesia Bautista “Castillo Mio” – Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua – We have been able to participate with this church and pastor Hugo Luna several times over the past few months.  They continue struggling a little bit since our departure, but I believe they will soon be back up to speed.  They have been averaging around 50 on Sunday services and recently had 50 children attend the special Saturday program.  Pray that the people will be faithful to the Lord and reach new souls for Him.  They are planning a VBS for early August.

In early May Gerardo Angel became the 7th student to graduate from the Bible institute from this church.  He is still young in age, but has a good grasp on spiritual things.  Please pray for the Lord to guide him to his future ministry.

Iglesia Bautista “Esperanza Mia” – Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua – We recently attended the first anniversary of this new church, what an exciting time it was!  There were well over 100 in attendance and several baptisms on this day of victory!  Missionary Marshal Dies and Pastor Alberto DeAnda along with their families have done a great job establishing this church.  I consider this church our first “Grandchild” in the ministry since it was a mission off a church we helped establish.  What a blessing grandchildren are! Praise the Lord!

Iglesia Bautista “La Gracia” – Bermejillo, Durango – I have been invited to preach the 8th anniversary service for this church on July 21st and Lord willing we’ll be able to be there to help celebrate this exciting day.  Pastor Lorenzo Ballenas has done a good job leading the church in evangelism and discipleship since taking over from Brother Angel.  Please pray that the Lord will supply their needs as they continue reaching their “Jerusalem”

Brother Angel Luna – Bermejillo, Durango – Please continue to pray for Bro. Angel’s health, he still cannot stand or walk, but has seen some progress in his recovery.  He is heading up the mission in a ranch where he lives and preaches and helps lead the services from his wheelchair.  Pray that he would soon be able to stand and walk on his own.

Looking for that Blessed Hope and Glorious Appearing!  

Prayer Letter Feb – April 2013

February – March – April 2013

“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”  – 1 Thes 5:18

Have you ever struggled with that verse?  I have – even more so in days since our last letter.  Well, here goes…

PRAISE – Fractured Pelvis! As many of you know, on the 31st of January I was riding my bicycle for exercise when suddenly a red nosed pit-bull charged from behind a stone wall and rammed the front wheel of my bicycle like a bull.  In the ensuing crash I flew forward over the handlebars and landed mostly on my right hip.  Praise the Lord that the dog did not attack me, as he whelped with pain and ran back into his property.  To make a long story shorter, I ended up in the hospital and the x-rays revealed that I had fractured my pelvis in 3 distinct places.  The largest fracture even tore the cartilage in my hip socket.  Since we did not do an MRI we can’t be sure about muscle damage although my doctor is sure there was some.  It has been nearly 90 days since the accident and I am finally to the point where I can put some weight on the joint and I can now walk with the aid of a cane.  I am still not recovered completely and it will probably be a 6 month process altogether.  Most days I do fine and most nights I am awakened with pain, although recently I have had a couple nights where I was able to rest without getting up.  The doctor is hopeful for a full recovery and so am I!

So… Thank You Lord for allowing this in my life.  Even though my personality is not suited to be sitting on the sidelines like I have had to do, it has given me a chance to rest and reflect on all the blessings the Lord has given my family and me.  Many times in the past I have talked about furlough but circumstances seemed to draw me back to the field after just a few weeks.  This time the Lord has forced me to rest and take this much needed time to recover emotionally, physically and spiritually.  Please pray that the Lord would grant me a full recovery and that we would be able to continue to serve Him in the way He wants us to.

PRAISE – Iglesia Bautista “Castillo Mio” – Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua Pastor Hugo has reported to me that although attendance initially dropped after we turned the work over to them they have been able to win new souls to the Lord and now the church is full again most Sundays.  On Easter Sunday they were able to baptize several new converts and seem to be on the right track.

One of the exciting ministries this church has is a breakfast for the poor children that live close to the church.  The drug violence has left many children orphaned and many mothers widowed without any regular income.  Many children have little to eat.  The church has been averaging between 30 and 50 children and mothers coming on Saturday mornings.  They are fed a nutritious breakfast and then have a Sunday school type class with crafts and other fun activities.  Many of the children and mothers have accepted the Lord and several are now attending the other services of the church.  Please pray this ministry will continue to have fruitful results.


PRAISE – Juarez Campaign 2013Our two churches once again took part in this annual campaign to distribute tracts and gospel portions on the streets of Juarez as well as preach the Gospel in open air events twice each day.  We were able to see many souls accept the Gospel message and many more heard or read the Gospel for the first time.  We feel privileged to participate in the great campaign.  Please pray that many more people would be saved as a result of this campaign.


PRAYER REQUESTSPhysical recovery for Tim and Pastor Angel Luna, Fruit that remains, More Laborers, Guidance and Direction, Protection

Looking for that Blessed Hope and Glorious Appearing!  

Prayer Letter December 2012 / January 2013

December 2012 – January 2013

“Only one life, ’twill soon be past, 
Only what’s done for Christ will last.” – C.T. Studd

Another year has passed; it’s hard to believe, as time seems to fly faster and faster.  One year closer to seeing our Savior.  I hope 2013 finds you faithfully serving the Lord wherever He has you.  2012 was a year full of challenges but even larger victories! I’m sure 2013 will hold much of the same.  Could this be the year of our Lord’s return?  I sure want to hear those words “Well done thou good and faithful servant”, and you?  We thank you for your faithful prayers and support, which make this ministry possible.

PRAISE – Iglesia Bautista “Castillo Mio” – Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua I am happy to report that a chapter in our ministry has been finished.  On December 16th, 2012, we officially turned over this work to the national leadership of 3 men trained wholly or partially in our ministry – Hugo Luna (pastor), Joel Cisneros and Pedro Gutierrez.  Brother Hugo was trained under Brother Angel in Bermejillo and Joel and Pedro are both graduates of the institute in Juarez.  As you may recall this church started about 3.5 years ago in another area of Juarez.  We were able to lead the church in purchasing it’s own property where they now meet.  The church grew large enough to split off another church – Iglesia Bautista Esperanza Mia.  We formed a Bible Institute as a ministry of this church and have had a total of 5 students graduate so far with more in the works.  The church faithfully supports 5 missionaries in various parts of Mexico and even one in Africa!  We saw over 30 people baptized in 2012.  Soul winners are trained, and working each week.  I feel by all accounts that the church has been established and now the nationals must take it from here.

The Lord started dealing with me close to a year ago that this time was fast approaching.  In some ways it is bitter sweet.  Kelly always says as soon as she finally knows who all the people and their children are that it seems like the Lord moves us somewhere else.  In many ways it would be easier for us to stay in one place, but God called us to be missionaries not pastors.  Just as the apostle Paul established several congregations so must we.  This chapter has finished and we will now wait on the Lord as he shows us his will for the next chapter.  Please pray for us that the Lord’s will would be revealed and most importantly followed by us. 

PRAISE – Iglesia Bautista “Esperanza Mia” – Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua We had the privilege of attending this Church on December 23rd for their Christmas program and dinner.  They are just like our Baptist Brethren in the United States they love to celebrate and commemorate the birth of our Lord with Preaching, Singing, and Eating!  What a joyous time we had.  The building including the new addition was completely full.  There were several baptized during December and many participated in the Lord’s Supper for the first time earlier that same day.  Praise the Lord for the DeAnda family and their faithful service to the Lord.  They are planning on starting an institute of their own this year.

PRAISE – Pastor Angel LunaPlease continue to pray for Brother Angel and his family. He continues to make progress in his rehabilitation but due to the of the length of the recover process that still lies ahead the decision was made for him to return to his home town near Bermejillo where he could have the help and support of his family.  It became apparent to me that this was needed for Angel.  Due to the infancy of the new church plant whose shepherd could not adequately care for them they will be turned over to another Baptist church near them.  Brother Angel hopes to return to Delicias when he is recovered and in the meantime will do what he can to help Brother Lorenzo and the church in Bermejillo.

PLANSSince we are currently seeking the Lord’s direction for the next chapter of our ministry we would like to report to some of our supporting churches and take a furlough in the immediate future.  If you would like to have us report to your church, please contact me at 915-241-3233 or by email and we will try to arrange a time that is good for you.  Although we are not sure where the Lord will lead us, we are sure he will in His time.  Please pray for us that the Lord’s will would be revealed and then followed by us. 

SAVE THE DATE!  Serve in the Juarez Project 2013!  The dates are set; April 20 – 26, 2013 – will be a time when American and Mexicans partner to distribute up to a half a million printed “missionaries” on the streets of Juarez – please plan on coming and helping!  I will have more details in the coming prayer letters, but why not save the dates so you can be a part of this exciting project!

       Looking for that Blessed Hope and Glorious Appearing!   The Urling Family 


New Website –

Hello Everyone,

As you probably know this is a different website than the old   We are in the process of transitioning to this new site, as the old site was very difficult to maintain current information.  I hope that this will be easier for us and better for you to stay abreast of the current happenings in our ministry.  Stay tuned and check back often as there will be lots of new content added regularly.  Thanks for your patience and God Bless – Tim