January 18, 2020 – Ciudad Juarez, Mexico
The Lord Blessed in a mighty way during our recent evangelistic campaign to distribute Chick Tracts provided by the Missionary fund at Chick tracts.
On Saturday, January 18, some members from four of the churches we have helped to establish in Juarez gathered in the downtown area of Juarez for a 2-hour campaign to distribute the tracts. Praise the Lord for His provision and protection!
We were able to distribute a little more than 26,000 tracts in this short time! There were several professions of faith among those who received the tracts! Glory to God! And our people were challenged to do more to reach the lost.
One man by the name of Rudy had a collection of the 8 different titles we distributed. He had lived in the US for 40 years and had recently been deported. He was very open and interested. He said the “green tract” (The Big Spender) was a reflection of his life. He prayed to accept Christ as his Savior and was directed to a local church for follow-up.

One of the other great benefits of these types of campaigns is what it does for our church members who participate. We’ve heard many great testimonies from them as to a revival of sorts in their hearts and desire to be more dedicated in soul-winning and outreach. We had around 60 total participate. As we finished we were challenged by Missionary Hector Jimenez to be faithful to make evangelism a daily occurrence and not just an occasional thing.
Even though this campaign will probably not directly benefit the churches (since it took place in another part of town), souls heard the gospel, some accepted on the spot, others will read the tracts and be saved, some may visit our evangelistic website, and our people found there is Joy in Serving Jesus!!
Thank you for being part of this ministry! Pray for us!

Photo Gallery from this campaign:
[unitegallery ChickJan20]