My life was changed because I took a mission trip!
I was a truck driver for a local dairy. My pastor invited my wife and on to go on a short-term mission trip to Mexico. I took my vacation and went. There were some teens, but our group was mostly adults. I saw things I have never seen – like 17 men kneel in the dirt and accept Christ. God worked in my heart and called me to the mission field. We’ve now been missionaries almost 25 years.
By God’s grace we’ve helped establish 9 churches and seen 1000’s of people make professions of faith. My story is not unique, I know several missionaries that have similar stories.
Missions giving in my sending church skyrocketed to over $100,000/year. Mission trips are powerful, you’ll be shocked at the difference it makes in giving and soul-winning and maybe someone will be called to ministry!
One summer a few years ago we were able to host 8 groups. The Lord blessed in a tremendous way. We were able to hold open air meetings with combined attendance of over 6000, more than 800 professions of faith, and many new families funneled into local churches that we worked with. The groups were a blessing to several local churches and national pastors we worked with. We saw God work in the lives and hearts of those who came from the U.S. and there were some that surrendered to full time Christian service.
With a lot of hard work we were able to construct a new church building – literally from the ground up! (We started by clearing the lot) We also had several other small projects that were a blessing to the churches as well.
Our theme is: “Make your vacation count!”
So many people take vacations and spend thousands of dollars on them with no real spiritual and eternal benefits. Not so with a mission trip. The small investment you make of time and money will forever reap blessings.
Maybe another great evangelist, pastor, or missionary will be saved in one of our meetings. Maybe your group will be enough of a blessing to encourage a national pastor to keep on keeping on. Maybe a tract that you give out will be the instrument that God uses to bring a mother of a small child to Jesus. Maybe a game we play with the children will be all that is needed to show Christ’s love and open the door to a new community. Maybe God will call you or somebody from your group to full time Christian service.
I’ll go out on a limb and say that a mission trip will have as much, and probably much more benefit for the young people from your youth group than a summer camp. If I had to choose (I was youth director for 2 years) between camp and a mission trip – the mission trip win’s hands down every time.
Please pray about partnering with us on a mission Trip!

Click Photo below to see a report of a trip in April 2022