Special Update – September 2023

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September 1, 2023

Dear Pastors, Supporters, and Ministry Friends,

On August 27th, 2023, Westside Baptist Temple in El Paso, TX called me to be their next pastor. As many of you know, Pastor Carl Chitwood graduated to glory on June 26th. Pastor Chitwood and his family founded the Westside Baptist Temple in 1978 and faithfully served there for 45 years! What a great responsibility and privilege the Lord has placed on us. Gratefully and humbly, we will stand on the shoulders of all their hard work.

We have continued to help the pastors and churches in Juarez over the last 18 months as much as we could. We have participated in the Christmas Jacket give-away, vacation Bible schools, and special days such as anniversaries and other special events.

Four of the pastors and churches in Mexico, along with a new Spanish church plant in far east El Paso, and two Mexican missionaries still receive financial support from us through To Every Creature Ministries a non-profit we established for this purpose.

Pray we would be able to continue helping them. We plan to continue supporting and helping these pastors and churches as long as the Lord provides the funds and the opportunity to do it. If the Lord would so lead, would you consider continuing your prayer and financial support?

This support won’t be used for us personally, but to help those I’ve mentioned. As Paul wrote in Philippians 4:17 “Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account.” The needs for these ministries are still great and we would be careful to make sure your support is used to make the maximum impact for the Gospel.

If you have any questions, please contact me at 915-241-3233 or by e-mail tim@2everycreature.com. You may also contact Pastor Copeland at Central Baptist Amarillo at 806-372-1464 (the church that receives our ministry support).

For Souls, with Sincere Gratefulness and Still Looking for that Blessed Hope!

Brother Tim And Kelly

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